Category Archives: Upcoming Events

Cancon DBA – 2023

I am advised by the organisers that registrations are now open for 15mm DBA competition at Cancon 2023.

For those who are unaware Cancon is hosted in Canberra Australia in late January of each year. From a DBA perspective, Cancon hosts the largest DBA competition in Australia and New Zealand.

This year the competition follows a reasonably standard format. Specifically the DBA event runs over two days. The Ancient competition, comprising six one hour rounds, runs on the first day with armies selected from armies from Section 1 & 2. This is followed by the second day but now armies are selected from Section 3 and 4, creating effectively a Dark Age and Medieval competition. For those with limited time or armies you can register for either day.

Above, one of the games from a previous Cancon DBA competition, where two medieval armies are engaged.

If you think you could be interested be sure and visit the official website for specific information on the Cancon 2023 15mm DBA Competition. Secure your place – don’t delay!

DBA at Conquest 2018

Our local gaming store, Comics Compulsion have just confirmed that Conquest 2018 will run over the weekend of the 10th & 11th of November. As with previous years Conquest will include a 15mm DBA Competition. The format selected has been chosen to provide plenty of variety and challenges, yet provide something of a theme for individual games.

Saturday will include a six round competition. The first three games, played in the morning, will have an Ancients theme. In the afternoon players will change armies for the Dark Age and Medieval theme.

On the Sunday a three round Big Battle competition will take place using an Ancient theme.

Players can register for a single day or both days. Full details on the Conquest DBA Competitions can be found here.

Woolston DBA Challenge 2018

It is almost time for the Woolston DBA Challenge. The theme for the 2018 Challenge is “Greece, Macedonian and the Punic Wars (430 BC to 146 BC)”. This theme covers the Peloponnesian Wars, the rise of Macedonia and the resultant various Macedonian Succesors states as well as the Punic Wars. It ends with the final defeat of Carthage in 146 BC.

Each year I try and create an event with something of a variation from the normal events we have. This year the theme is reasonably standard, but restricted. The variation is that you can change armies part way through. A sliding historical theme if you like. Further, if you change you get a bonus point when it comes to calculating final convention points totals.

Full details of the armies that can be used, defined by list, as well as other details can be found here.

No registration fee applies, but please register to assist with organisation.

Conquest 2017

I’m pleased to report that DBA has been confirmed for Conquest 2017.

The new owners of Comic Compulsion, who host and organise Conquest, have been working hard to firm up the overall convention. Having been working with them for a few months Comics today gave the tick for DBA at Conquest. I’m particularly pleased as DBA has been at Conquest for many years.

Conquest will be held on the weekend of the 11th & 12th of November. Details on the DBA and BBDBA tournaments can be found here.

For now start getting those armies ready and join us for a great weekend of gaming!

Of course if you have any questions please feel to ask here, or drop me an email, or visit the Comics Compulsion Facebook page.